Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Do you believe in Stars ?

Do you believe in stars ?
Do you listen to what stars tell ?
Do you think predictions can be very close to reality ?
Do you believe a few lines under Horoscope could be correct ?

Well, I do. In fact, yahoo astrology has made me believe so over the course of time. As a matter of fact, I have been humbled by Yahoo astrology numerous times before also.

Its been really a "bad couple of days" for me, and the fact is that we always try to look for things like God, Predictions, whenever we are in a bad shape.

Thats what I did today. I opened up yahoo astrology to see what stars have to say about my condition. I clicked on Libra and found something relevant.

The stars give you a much needed center to operate from, especially when it comes to making decisions. Sometimes you can get stuck on being fair. Now it's time to let your critical faculties take over and do the job. Holding on is holding you back right now, so let go of the past and move forward.

1 comment:

Abhishek Agarwal said...

Maaaa kasam...!